Italia Slow Tour
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Web Serie: Rieti and the Holy Valley

A spiritual trek trail on the footsteps of St Francis and St Benedict

Video list

  1. Rieti & The Holy Valley
  2. Greccio and the live Nativity
  3. The Sanctuary of Fonte Colombo
  4. The Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Foresta
  5. Monastery of Santa Scolastica
  6. St. Benedict’s Sacro Speco (The Holy Cave)
  7. The Abbey of Montecassino

The web serie Rieti and the Holy Valley is a spiritual walk in the footsteps of St Francis and St Benedict, who used to live and preach around this area, the very heart of Italy, not so far from Rome.

Nearby the city of Rieti, there are four Franciscan sanctuaries whence the trek goes by: the monasteries of Fonte Colombo, Greccio, Poggio Bustone and Santa Maria della Foresta. This walk goes in a circle, Rieti is both the start and finishing point: along it one visits all four sanctuaries, taking a beautiful walk through nature. It’s around 80 km and it’s possible to do 20 km a day which means you can do the entire walk in four days.

Then the itinerary follow St Benedict’s history, towards Subiaco where is the huge Sacro Speco built on his Holy Cave, the Monastery of St Scolastica and then further South Montecassino and its Abbey.

Places on the map


Cover pic of Greccio courtesy of Flickr User Christopher John SSF

Italia Slow Tour

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